News Our Way

Tomi Lahren wonders why Brittney Griner wants to come back to the US

Photo: KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP via Getty Images

Fox News personality Tomi Lahren tore into National anthem boycotter Brittney Griner, who has pleaded guilty to drug charges in Russia, and her plight to get back to the United States, via Conservative Brief:

“I can’t figure out why Brittney Griner would be clamoring to get back to a nation she finds so unworthy of her patriotism,” the host said.

“If the woman can’t even drag her sorry behind out of a locker room in cushy Phoenix, Arizona long enough to stand and salute our flag for the under two-minute duration of our National Anthem, well then maybe the USA isn’t where she really wants to be.

“And maybe after sitting in a Russian prison for a bit she’ll understand what a privilege it is to be born in America and be grateful for the USA, the greatest nation on the face of the Earth, and I hope she has that change of heart. I really do,” Lahren said.