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Adults and Doll Collecting

Ever since the Barbie movie came out, more awareness about adult doll collecting has appeared on social media. For most of history, dolls have mostly been a thing for children, but adult doll collectors have always existed, but now more and more adults are indulging in this hobby. Some people call this Peter Pan syndrome, while others talk about how dolls help heal their inner child.

One study suggested that adults who engaged in narrative play with their dolls were able to process difficult emotions more thoroughly in a stress-free environment. It was observed that many collectors bond with the dolls by cleaning them, customizing them, and even hugging or playing with the doll’s hair.

But many adults do not employ any narrative play, they simply enjoy how the dolls look in their room, or like to pose them for photographs. Nostalgia is another reason many adults collect toys, they remember the carefree days of their childhood, the excitement they felt when seeing new toys, and the seemingly endless possibilities of what life could be.